Host Tag & Label Updates to Email Notifications

20 votes

I appreciate that within the Setup view of a host, I can visually see of my Host Tags with both the TagGroupID:TagID easily visible. With the "Tags of Host" option selected within an Email Notification, it will output just the TagID into the email body. It would be beneficial if the Tag Group ID could be incorporated to the notification because it provides more clarity. Additionally, having the ability to color code them within the email, like they are within the portal would be nice as well. And lastly, having the ability to pick and choose which Host Tags we would like displayed in an email would be nice instead of "all or nothing".

I would also suggest the ability to optionally add Host Labels to the Email body as well.

Under consideration Notifications Suggested by: Elli Rothenberg Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 2

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