Improve the selection of contact groups to share views/dashboards/etc with other users

19 votes

If creating a view or a dashboard, a user is able to share the result with other users. To do this, one may provide one or several contact groups. In many cases, the infrastructure is separated into several departments and into several locations. This means, that some views or dashboards should be share to a specific location, a specific user group (which is located in several locations) or a specific customer (in case, the managed services edition is used).

To do this, a more comfortable way is needed, to share these views/dashboards to other users.

Possible solutions could be:
* Enable the sharing to users of a specific site/a specific customer
* Enable the sharing to users through groups that contain several conact groups
* etc. pp.

Released Dashboards & Views Usability Suggested by: Marcel Arentz Upvoted: 20 Feb Comments: 1

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