Security: Move agent-to-server communication (agent registration and updates) to separate port

8 votes

At the moment, all agents that utilize Automatic Agent Updates need access to the regular IP address and port of their Checkmk instance in order to register for and download newly baked agents, as well as access to the REST API (new in 2.1, for establishing TLS)

This is the same IP address and port that is used for Checkmk administration, so any usage of the Automatic Agent Update feature currently forces you to expose the entire Checkmk web interface to any agent (and, in most networks, all other devices in the same subnets). Agent registration can instead be done via proxy-register and does not force you to open the port, but for agent updates there is no workaround at the moment.

It should be possible to define a different port for agent-to-server communication in order to clearly differentiate the use cases and allow for a fine-grained firewall policy.

Under consideration Agent Bakery Site management Suggested by: P. Wagner Upvoted: 21 Aug, '23 Comments: 3

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