Logwatch: Windows Event Log: Auto-Remove Log entries after X days

11 votes

We use the checkmk agent on Windows Server. The agent has the logwatch plugin builtin, to monitor the Windows event logs.
That is a good plugin, but it need some more rulesets to define and control the monitoring.
The problem of that cmk service is that the Log service stores everything and does not remove old events. We always have to go into the service, click on "Clear Log" and remove that old information.

Following features would be nice: A new ruleset that automatically remove old Log entries:
There is the ruleset "Logfile patterns" to manage Logwatch. A new ruleset could set the time for auto removal. For example, if we create a rule that entries are deleted after 14 days, each entry which is older then 14 days is automatically removed.

Under consideration Log monitoring / Event Console Suggested by: Thomas Upvoted: 11 Mar Comments: 3

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