Feature to see stale services and acknowledged services in BI aggregation

30 votes

At the moment stale Services in a BI-Aggregation will stay green and the whole aggregation will also stay green. The documentation tells us to add the host as well to turn the aggregation red.
But that's not really nice. If I have a BI Group of my important network links I don't want to add all the switches and routers as well. The group gets much more confusing as the aggregation must contain hosts that are not directly important for the aggregation itself.

Maybe it would be smart (intelligent) to add a new color for that problem or turn it orange then we don't need a new color.

Similar problem with acknowledged services. If there's a critical service in an aggregation and someone acknowledged it, the aggregation stays critical. So if there's another problem it can happen that the administrator will overlook that one because he thinks, that critical state comes from the acknowledged one.

Maybe add an option to the aggregation "honor acknowledge" to calculate it out.

Under consideration BI Suggested by: Josef Upvoted: 11 Apr Comments: 3

Comments: 3