Include customizations of the plugin files into the agent hash

4 votes

The main reason for this request is the need to re-roll all agents after you changed a plugin or config file, but the agent bakery doesn't realize, that there are new changes.

I wished, that the custom plugins and local-script, which will be deployed over the check_mk site via "Deploy custom files with agent" and other self-made rules, are also counted into the agent hash.
That way, even small change in the files will lead to a new agent to be rolled-out.

ATM, it's not possible to "force" a new deployment from Check_MK-site, without the need, to change rules. In my case, i made a dummy rule, which does nothing, but that way the agent hash will be changed.

Under consideration Agent Bakery Suggested by: Kruzgoth Upvoted: 03 Nov, '23 Comments: 2

Comments: 2