Support ignoring case in rule conditions for services

5 votes

Before Checkmk 2.2 it was possible to add RegEx modifiers like (?i) to service conditions, resulting in the match being case-insensitive.
In Checkmk 2.2 this is no longer possible due to the functionality being removed with Python 3.11. The functionality was deprecated since Python 3.6.

Now, the only option to make matches case-insensitive is to explicitly add both cases to the match (AFAIK).
Prior to Checkmk 2.2 / Python 3.11 --> (?i)Interface Uplink
With Checkmk 2.2 / Python 3.11 --> Interface [Uu][Pp][Ll][Ii][Nn][Kk]
(I know the two matches are not strictly the same. Since "Interface" is a hardcoded part of Checkmk, it does not really matter whether it is matched case-sensitive, though.)

Under consideration Setup Suggested by: Thierry T. Upvoted: 18 Sep, '23 Comments: 1

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