Cascading livestatus of several remote sites on a single port

2 votes

We are asking if possibile in future release to introduce this feature:

it's like with cascading livestatus but not quite the same.
In shorts we would like to have an option that gave us the possibility to have a viewer (a site different from the master) that has the same configuration (tag, folder, views, rules) synced with the master without (like we do now) having to link every slave to both master and viewer so with just one connection (no 1 port for each slave like cascading and we can't have synced config by the way).

By now that we had to add each slave on master and slave so it's not much different with cascading.

In the actual configuration I think that each service is counted doubled (because it's like if we have 2 master), so with cascading I think we should at least avoid this right?
And also there's a temporal limit for using the licence, we haven't configured yet for this reason, we have a limit on service so having doubled it's not good.

Under consideration Site management Suggested by: Biagio Upvoted: 08 Mar Comments: 2

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