Show more information for Prometheus alerts

3 votes

For the time being the Prometheus plugin shows only the status FIRING, when a Prometheus Alert is triggered. However, there's much more information that could be shown, take a look at the Grafana implementation for Prometheus alerts.

So in case of an alert I'd really like to see the following details:
1. Violating metric streams along with their labels (this really helps pinpointing the issue, in case the alert could come from hundreds of metric streams/servers, see the Grafana screenshot)
2. The current values of the violating metric streams (see the Grafana screenshot)

I've got a Prometheus metric for the heap dump usage, which is coming from let's say 2000 Java applications. If one heap dump usage exceeds a certain threshold (e.g. 80%), I'd like to see the Prometheus alert triggered. In this case it is really useful to see in Checkmk, what the labels of the violating metric stream are, as it allows me to identify the concerned Java process.

Under consideration Checks&Agents Suggested by: Bence Hornák Upvoted: 19 Apr Comments: 1

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