Citrix Farm Bakery Rule

2 votes

While working with one of your consultants on a professional services engagement, he recommended I open a feature request for the Citrix Farm plugin. The current bakery rules push out the old Citrix plugin that does not work with modern Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops. We found the citrix_farm.ps1 and tested it which it worked great and provided good information. So for this feature request, I would suggest we add a bakery rule to deploy this updated plugin and we need to update the parameters to control notifications for the plugin output. Currently when you modify the parameters, you can only control 1 of the 4 items being monitored of the "Citrix Instance State". It appears the parameters request is similar to this one already

Under consideration Agent Bakery Checks&Agents Suggested by: Todd Dresser Upvoted: 07 Feb Comments: 0

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